


(Email: gplhydr@163.com )


 2004.09 - 2008.06 河海大学水文水资源学院 学士学位

 2008.03 - 2008.05 美国拉斯维加斯大学、美国沙漠研究所访问学者

 2008.09 - 2011.06 河海大学水文水资源学院 硕士学位

 2018.09 - 2022.06 河海大学水文水资源学院 博士学位



2011-2018 华为软件技术有限公司

2022-至今 bt体育台 博士后










国家自然科学基金(青年)《多重气候系统影响下的黄河源区降水时空变化规律及其径流响应研究》,2024.01-2026.12 (主持)

江苏省科研与实践创新计划项目 《青藏高原降水的驱动力研究》,2020.01-2021.12 (主持)

国家重点研发项目 《基于云平台的水文水资源预报预测预警模型集成与应用》(参与)


国家自然科学基金 《流域水文过程与农业非点源污染物迁移转化相互作用机理研究》(参与)

教育部长江学者和创新团队发展计划项目 《大气-陆面-水文过程耦合机理研究》(参与)


江苏省908项目 (参与)

苏州吴江土地利用变化及实践调查 (参与)

太湖底泥水槽冲刷实验及水体营养物变化分析实验 (参与)

京杭大运河杭州段的野外实地调查 (参与)



Guiping Li., Zhongbo Yu., Yanping Li., Chuanguo Yang., Huanghe Gu., Jingwen Zhang., Ya Huang., 2024. Interaction mechanism of global multiple ocean-atmosphere coupled modes and their impacts on South and East Asian Monsoon: A review. Global and Planetary Change, 237,104438

 Li, G.P., Yu, Z.B., Li, Y.P., Li, Z.H., Ju, Q. and Huang, Y., 2023. The evolution of precipitation and its physical mechanisms in arid and humid regions of the Tibetan Plateau. Atmospheric Research, 285.

 Li, G.P., Yu, Z.B., Wang, W.G., Ju, Q. and Chen, X., 2021. Analysis of the spatial Distribution of precipitation and topography with GPM data in the Tibetan Plateau. Atmospheric Research, 247.

 Huang, Y., Li, G.P., Zhao, Y., Yang, J. and Li, Y.P., 2023. Analysis of the Characteristics and Causes of Land Degradation and Development in Coastal China (1982-2015). Remote Sensing, 15(9).

 Huang, Y., Zhao, Y., Li, G.P., Yang, J. and Li, Y.P., 2023. Influence of Precipitation Effects Induced by Large-Scale Irrigation in Northwest China on Soil Erosion in the Yellow River Basin. Remote Sensing, 15(7).

 Kang, Y.Y., Lei, J., Wang, M.J., Li, G.P. and Ding, X.R., 2023. Topographic evolution of tidal flats based on remote sensing: an example in Jiangsu coast, Southern Yellow Sea. Frontiers in Marine Science, 10.

 Yang, J., Huang, Y., Li, G.P. and Li, Y.P., 2023. Changes of extreme precipitation in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River and their correlation with atmospheric circulation. Frontiers in Earth Science, 11.

 Li, G.P., Yu, Z.B., Li, Y.P., 2010. Impact analysis on spatial and temporal distributions of nutrients in Taihu Lake, 4th International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedical Engineering (iCBBE). International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedical Engineering, Chengdu, PEOPLES R CHINA.

 Li, G.P. and Yu, Z.B., 2010. River water quality assessment based on principal component analysis, 5th International Symposium on Integrated Water Resources Management/3rd International Symposium on Methodology in Hydrology. IAHS Publication, Hohai Univ, Nanjing, PEOPLES R CHINA, 430-435.

 Wang, X.P., Yu, Z.B., Li, Y.J., Zhao, L.L., Gao, F.H. and Li, G.P., 2010. Simulating the effects of different control scenarios on the non-point source pollution in the Meilin watershed, 5th International Symposium on Integrated Water Resources Management/3rd International Symposium on Methodology in Hydrology. IAHS Publication, Hohai Univ, Nanjing, PEOPLES R CHINA, pp. 436