


Email: qianjw@hhu.edu.cn





 2020.07-2022.06     中国科学技术大学                博士后

 2022.07-2024.06      河海大学                              博士后






1. 国家自然科学基金青年项目,42304056,四维地震成像算法研究及其在四川长宁页岩气开发监测中的应用,2024-2026,30万,在研,主持。

2. 国家重点研发计划,重大自然灾害防控与公共安全,2021YFC3000602-06,川滇地区速度结构及关键构造部位的精细结构之专题六,2021-2024,42.8万,在研,主持;

3. 安徽蒙城地球物理国家野外科学观测研究站联合开放基金,MENGO-202103,基于浅孔台阵监测的郯庐-大别构造带淮南明龙山-上窑断裂凤阳山段地震活动性研究,2021-2022,5万,已结题,主持;

 4. 中国科学技术大学青年创新基金,WK2080000153,采矿诱发断层活化过程中应力演化规律及微震事件响应机制研究,2021-2022,7万,已结题,主持;



1. Qian, J., Zhang, H.*, Guo, L., Anyiam, U., Cho, C., Ji, K., Ma, H. (2024). The existence of saturated vapors in the deep source region of 2017 Pohang earthquake evidenced from seismic tomographyEarth and Planetary Physics, 8(5), 811-821.

2. Qian, J.*, Zheng, Q., Ning, J. (2024). Estimation of quarry blast equivalent based on seismic array: Case study in Chuzhou, Anhui Province. Applied Geophysics, 21(1), 179-187.

3. Anyiam, U., Qian, J.*, Tan, Y.*, Zhang, H.* (2024). Comprehensive seismic evidence for the inducing mechanism of extremely shallow 2019 Changning Ms 6.0 earthquake by solution salt mining, Sichuan Basin, China. Geology, 52(6), 441-446.

4. Zheng, Q., Qian, J., Zhang, H.*, Chen, Y., Zhang, S. (2024). Velocity tomography of cross-sectional damage evolution along rock longitudinal direction under uniaxial loading. Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology, 143, 105503.

5. 曹颖, 钱佳威, 黄江培, 周青云*. (2024). 云南洱源地区地壳三维精细速度结构成像. 地震地质, 46(1), 162-183.


1. Qian, J.*Anyiam, U.Wang, K. (2023). Machine learning-based microseismic catalog and passive seismic tomography evaluating the effect of grouting in Zhangji coal mine, ChinaApplied Geophysics, 20(2), 167-175.

2. Cao, Y., Jin, M., Qian, J.,*, Chen, J., Anyiam, U. (2023). Crustal structure and seismicity characteristics based on dense array monitoring in northwestern Yunnan, China. Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors, 340, 107047.

3. Tan, Y., Qian, J., Hu, J., Zhang, H.*, Xing, H.*, Li, J., Xu, J., Yang, W., Gu, N., Miao, S. (2023). Tomographic evidences for hydraulic fracturing induced seismicity in the Changning shale gas field, southern Sichuan Basin, China. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 605, 118021.


1. Qian, J., Wang, K., Zhang, H.*, Tan, Y., Xu, C., Wang, Q., Xiong Q., Malinowski, M. (2022). First observation of paired microseismic signals during solution salt mining. Frontiers in Earth Science, 10, 952314.

2. Wang, K., Qian, J.*, Zhang, H., Gao, J., Bi, D., Gu, N. (2022). Seismic imaging of mine tunnels by ambient noise along linear arrays. Journal of Applied Geophysics, 203, 104718.

3. Guo, L., Qian, J.*, Zhang, S., Zhou, Y., Wang, X. (2022). Seismicity and velocity structure of the 2020 Ms 5.1 Tangshan earthquake. Journal of Seismology, 26(2), 359-371.


Journal of Geophysics and EngineeringGeomechanics and Geophysics for Geo-Energy and Geo-ResourcesEnvironmental Earth SciencesScientific Reports煤田地质与勘探