

(Email: yqtao@hhu.edu.cn;QQ:49325473)


2000 – 2004   中国农业大学国家化学理科人才培养基地 化学 学士

2004 – 2009   中国科学院生态环境研究中心

                       环境化学与生态毒理学国家重点实验室 环境科学 博士





20085200811  北京市环境保护局 大气环境管理处 处长助理


20097201212  中国科学院南京地理与湖泊研究所

                   湖泊与环境国家重点实验室 助理研究员

20131201911  中国科学院南京地理与湖泊研究所

                    湖泊与环境国家重点实验室 副研究员 硕士生导师

201511201610  英国女王大学(The Queens University of Belfast) 访问学者

201912至今     河海大学 首页(中国)有限公司 教授

2020年5月 - 2021年12月  河海大学 海洋生态环境研究所 所长

2020年5月 - 至今      bt体育台 学术委员会委员

                      bt体育台 人才领导工作小组成员

2020年5月 - 2021年10月  河海大学海洋生物系 系主任

2020年6月 - 2021年10月  河海大学 海洋科学实验中心 主任

2022年9月 - 至今      河海大学本科生教学督导、bt体育台本科生教学督导
























湖泊及土壤中多环芳烃的生物有效性及生物地球化学过程(BK20170049,2017年7月 - 2020年6月,100万元




埋藏时间对湖泊沉积物中多环芳烃赋存状态及生物有效性的影响及其机理研究,2011– 2013年,40万元


含水生植物脂仿生半透膜采样装置的研制及其在湖泊自由溶解态有机污染物的原位采集和生物有效性研究中的应用,20108 – 20127月,10万元



生态系统演变对沉积物埋藏多环芳烃能力的影响及其机制研究 (42377404),2024年 - 2027年, 49万元


太湖蓝藻生命循环过程对水体和表层沉积物中多环芳烃的主动运移及其影响因素(41977330),2020– 2023年,61万元


太湖蓝藻水华对多环芳烃赋存、生物富集及食物链传递的影响及其机制研究41471400),2015– 2018年,85万元


含水生植物脂半透膜采样装置的研制及其在湖泊水源地有机污染物的原位监测和生物有效性研究中的应用(21107118),2012 – 2014年,25万元


“典型湖泊有毒有害化学品和水环境调查”专项第三课题“长江下游典型湖泊有毒有害化学品和水环境调查”(课题组长)(2015FY110900),2016– 2020年,154万元



蓝藻水华对太湖梅梁湾多环芳烃的主要生物地球化学过程的影响及其机制研究(BK20141514),20147– 20176月,10万元


湖泊蓝藻水华衍生异味物质的仿生被动采样及测试研究(BK2010604),2010– 2012年,9万元



生态系统演变对沉积物埋藏持久性有机污染物能力的影响及其机制 2020 - 2024年,50万元



“湖泊蓝藻水华生态灾害形成机理及防治的基础研究”第四课题(2008CB418104),2008 – 2012年,12万元


 “中国湖泊沉积物底质调查”第一课题“中国东部湖泊沉积物底质调查”2014FY1104002015– 2019年,30万元


12课题第1专题:“太湖饮用水源保护区生态环境调查与污染物源解析及安全评估”(2008ZX07101-012-01),2008– 2012年,15万元




“湖泊碳循环”,小组成员,NIGLAS2016TD01,2017 – 202133万元




2017年获得江苏省杰出青年基金,2015年入选中科院青年创新促进会首批优秀会员,2011年入选中科院青年创新促进会首批会员,2009年获得中科院院长特别奖。目前以第一作者/通讯作者发表30余SCI论文(中科院一区SCI论文11篇,二区SCI论文15篇,其中在环境领域权威刊物Environmental Science and Technology上发表3, Water Research上发表5篇,Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry上发表1篇。,发表EI收录论文3篇、CSCD论文2篇、合作论文5篇。总被他引900余次,被SCI他引800余次,单篇最高他引150余次,被发表在Environmental Science and Technology等期刊的60多篇综述和8本国外英文专著较大篇幅引用。建立的有机污染物生物有效性评估方法被同行多次采用。授权中国发明专利2项、实用新型专利1项;撰写的《中科院专家关于太湖水源地有毒有机污染物生态风险现状的分析及防治对策》的咨询报告被国务院办公厅采用。相关成果被科学网、《中国科学报》等媒体详细报道20多次。




Ning Yu, Yuqiang Tao*, Xuhui Dong, Xiaodong Huo, Qingfei Zeng. Ecological regime shifts reduced burial ability of aromatic hydrocarbons by both inland and coastal waters but driven by various nutrients. Water Research, 2022, 216,118329(中科院一区SCI, IF = 11.2(第一作者为研二学生)

Yuqiang Tao*, Jing Yu, Xingrong Liu, Bin Xue, Suming Wang. Factors affecting annual occurrence, bioaccumulation, and biomagnification of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in plankton food webs of subtropical eutrophic lakes. Water Research, 2018, 132, 1 – 11.(一区SCI, IF = 11.2

Yuqiang Tao*, Jing Yu, Guoliang Lei, Bin Xue, Fengju Zhang, Shuchun Yao. Indirect influence of eutrophication on air – water exchange fluxes, sinking fluxes, and occurrence of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons. Water Research, 2017, 122, 512 – 525.(一区SCI, IF = 11.2

Yuqiang Tao*, Bin Xue, Jicheng Zhong, Shuchun Yao, Qinglong Wu. Influences of pH, heavy metals and phosphate and their co-influences on the sorption of pentachlorophenol on cyanobacterial biomass.Water Research, 2012, 46, 3585 – 3594.(一区SCI, IF = 11.2

Yuqiang Tao, Shuzhen Zhang*, Zijian Wang, Yong-guan Zhu, Runhui Ke, Xiao-quan Shan, Peter Christie.Biomimetic accumulation of PAHs from soils by triolein embedded cellulose acetate membranes (TECAMs) to predict PAH bioavailability. Water Research, 2008, 42, 754 – 762.(一区SCI, IF = 11.2

Yuqiang Tao*, Bin Xue, Shuchun Yao. Using linoleic acid embedded cellulose acetate membranes to in situ monitor PAHs in lakes and predict their bioavailability to submerged macrophytes. Environmental Science and Technology, 2015, 49, 6077 – 6084.(一区SCI, IF = 9.03

Yuqiang Tao*, Bin Xue, Shuchun Yao, Jiancai Deng, Zhifan Gui. Triolein embedded cellulose acetate membrane as a tool to evaluate sequestration of PAHs in lake sediment core at large temporal scale. Environmental Science and Technology, 2012, 46, 3851 – 3858.(一区SCI, IF = 9.03

Yuqiang Tao, Shuzhen Zhang*,Yong-guan Zhu, Peter Christie. Uptake and acropetal translocation of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons by wheats (Triticum aestivumL.). Environmental Science and Technology, 2009, 43, 3556 – 3560.(一区SCI, IF = 9.03

Yuqiang Tao*, Shuzhen Zhang, Zijian Wang, Peter Christie. Predicting bioavailability of PAHs to wheat roots grown in field-contaminated soils with triolein embedded cellulose acetate membranes and comparison with chemical extraction. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2008, 56, 10817 – 10823.(一区SCI, IF = 4.19

Yuqiang Tao*, Wei Li, Bin Xue, Jicheng Zhong, Shuchun Yao, Qinglong Wu. Different effects of copper (II), cadmium (II) and phosphate on the sorption of phenanthrene on the biomass of cyanobacteria. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2013, 261, 21 – 28.(一区SCI, IF = 8.51

Liqi Zhang, Yuqiang Tao*Ecological regime shifts enhanced the contribution of microplastics to the burial of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons by sediments. Environmental Pollution, 2023, 335, 122329.中科院二区SCI, IF = 8.90,第一作者为研三学生

Yuqiang Tao*,Ya Zhang, Jicheng Cao, Zifan Wu, Shuchun Yao, Bin Xue. Climate change has weakened the ability of Chinese lakes to bury polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons. Environmental Pollution, 2019, 255, 113288.(二区SCI, IF = 6.79

Yuqiang Tao*, Donghong Liu. Trophic status affects the distribution of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in the water columns, surface sediments, and plankton of twenty Chinese lakes. Environmental Pollution2019, 252, 666 – 674.(二区SCI, IF = 6.79

Yuqiang Tao*, Bin Xue, Guoliang Lei, Fei Liu, Zhen Wang. Effects of climate change on bioaccumulation and biomagnification of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in the planktonic food web of a subtropical shallow eutrophic lake in China. Environmental Pollution2017, 223, 624 – 634.(二区SCI, IF = 6.79

Yuqiang Tao, Shuzhen Zhang*, Zijian Wang, Peter Christie. Predicting bioavailability of PAHs in field-contaminated soils by passive sampling with triolein embedded cellulose acetate membranes. Environment Pollution, 2009, 157, 545 – 551.(二区SCI, IF = 6.79

Pengyu Chen, Ruihan Wang, Geng Chen, Baihui An, Ming Lu, Qiang Wang,Yuqiang Tao* Thyroid endocrine distribution and hepatotoxicity induced by bisphenol AF: Integrated zebrafish embryotoxicity test and deep learning. Science of the Total Environment, 2022, 822, 153639.(一区SCI, IF = 6.55

Yuqiang Tao*, Jing Yu, Bin Xue, Shuchun Yao, Sumin Wang. Precipitation and temperature drive seasonal variation in bioaccumulation of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in the planktonic food webs of a subtropical shallow eutrophic lake in China. Science of the Total Environment, 2017, 583, 447 – 457.(二区SCI, IF = 6.55

Baihui An, Pengyu Chen, Yuqiang Tao*. The roles of membrane permeability and efflux pumps in the toxicity of bisphenol S analogues (2,4-bisphenol S and bis-(3-allyl-4-hydroxyphenyl) sulfone) to Escherichia coli K12. Chemosphere, 2023, 329,138697.(中科院二区SCI,第一作者为研三学生)

Yuqiang Tao*. Eutrophication-induced regime shifts reduced sediment burial ability for polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons: Evidence from Lake Taihu in China. Chemosphere, 2021, 271, 129709.(中科院二区SCI

Yuqiang Tao*, Bin Xue, Zhen Yang, Shuchun Yao,Shanying Li. Effects of metals on the uptake of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons by the cyanobacterium Microcystis aeruginosa. Chemosphere, 2015, 119, 719 – 726.(二区SCI, IF = 5.78

Yuqiang Tao*, Shuzhen Zhang, Wei Jian, Chungang Yuan,Xiao-quan Shan. Effects of oxalate and phosphate on the release of arsenic from contaminated soils and arsenic accumulation in wheat. Chemosphere, 2006, 65, 1281 – 1287.(二区SCI, IF = 5.78

Yuqiang Tao*, Jing Lu. Occurrence of total phosphorus in surface sediments of Chinese lakes and its driving factors and implications. Journal of Hydrology, 2020, 580, 124345.(一区SCI, IF = 4.50)(大三本科生大创项目成果)

Yinghuan Qin, Yuqiang Tao*. Pollution status of heavy metals and metalloids in Chinese lakes: Distribution, bioaccumulation and risk assessment. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 2022,248,114293.(英文综述论文,中科院二区,第一作者为大三学生)

Chuanhai HuYuqiang Tao*. Spatial–temporal occurrence and sources of organochlorine pesticides in the sediments of the largest deep lake (Lake Fuxian) in China. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2022, doi.org/10.1007/s11356-022-24394-7.(中科院三区,第一作者为研二学生)

Liqi Zhang, Yuqiang Tao*. Microplastics contributed much less than organic matter to the burial of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons by sediments in the past decades: a case study from an urban lake. Environmental Science Processes & Impacts, 2022, 24, 2100.


Yuqiang Tao*, Guoliang Lei, Bin Xue, Shu Chun Yao,Yang Pu, Hucai Zhang. Deposition and sources of HCHs and p,p’-DDX in the western and southern Tibetan Plateau: Records from a lake sediment core and the surface soils. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2014, 21, 1875 – 1883.(三区SCI, IF = 2.91

Yuqiang Tao*, Shuchun Yao, Bin Xue, Jiancai Deng,Xiaolong Wang, Muhua Feng, Weiping Hu. Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in surface sediments from drinking water sources Taihu Lake, China: Sources,partitioning and toxicological risk. Journal of Environmental Monitoring, 2010, 12, 2282 – 2289.(三区SCI, IF = 2.69

Yuqiang Tao*, Bin Xue, Shuchun Yao. Sedimentary records of historical occurrence and sources of 21 organochlorine pesticides in Lake Taihu, China. Journal of Soils and Sediments, 2019, doi.org/10.1007/s11368-019-02429-w.(二区SCI, IF = 2.76

Yuqiang Tao*, Bin Xue, Zhen Yang, Shuchun Yao,Shanying Li. Effects of heavy metals on the sorption of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons by Microcystis aeruginosa. Journal of Environmental Quality, 2014, 43, 1 – 10.(三区SCI, IF = 2.61

Yuqiang Tao*, Bin Xue, Muhua Feng. Spatial and historical occurrence, sources, and potential toxicological risk of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in sediments of the largest Chinese deep lake. Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, 2019, doi.org/10.1007/s00244-019-00650-9.(三区SCI, IF = 2.14

陶玉强*,赵睿涵. 持久性有机污染物在中国湖库水体中的污染现状及分布特征. 湖泊科学2020,32(2),309 - 324.EI收录)(大三本科生大创项目成果)

刘东红,陶玉强*,周文佐*. 持久性有机污染物在中国湖泊生物中分布与富集的研究进展。湖泊科学2018303),581 – 596.EI收录)(第一作者为研二学生)

陶玉强,姜威,苑春刚,张淑贞*. 草酸盐影响污染土壤中砷释放的研究. 环境科学学报, 2005, 25(9), 1232 – 1235.EI收录)

陶玉强,张淑贞*,许宜平,王子健. 利用三油酸甘油酯-醋酸纤维素复合膜评价土壤中多环芳烃生物可利用性. 生态毒理学报, 2007, 2(3), 284 – 291.CSCD收录)

Yuqiang Tao*, Shuzhen Zhang, Bin Xue. Bioavailability of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in soils and its evaluation method. Journal of the Graduate School of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, 2010, 27(4), 568 – 576.CSCD收录)

Shanying Li, Yuqiang Tao, Shuchun Yao, Bin Xue*.Distribution, sources, and risks of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in the surface sediments from 28 lakes in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River.Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2016, 23, 4812 –4825.(三区SCI, IF = 2.91

Lingling Li, Bin Xue*,Shuchun Yao, Yuqiang Tao, Renhua Yan. Spatial–temporal patterns of methane dynamics in Lake Taihu. Hydrobiologia, 2018, 822, 143 – 156.(三区SCI, IF = 2.39

Shuchun Yao, Bin Xue*, Yuqiang Tao. Sedimentary lead pollution history: Lead isotope ratios and conservative elements at East Taihu Lake, Yangtze Delta, China. Quaternary International, 2013, 304, 5 – 12.(三区SCI, IF = 1.95

李珊英,陶玉强,姚书春,薛滨*.我国湖泊沉积物中多环芳烃的分布特征及来源分析.第四纪研究2015351),108 – 120.CSCD收录)

卢少勇*,王圣瑞,陶玉强,焦立新,孙锦芳. 湖泊有毒有害化学品刍议. 环境科学研究.2017, 302),275-281.CSCD收录)

Zifan Wu; Yuqiang Tao*. Occurrence and fluxes of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in the third largest fresh water lake (Lake Taihu) in China, Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology. 2021, 106,190 - 197.(三区SCI, IF = 1.66


Yuqiang Tao*. Eutrophication-induced regime shifts reduced sediment burial ability for polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons: Evidence from Lake Taihu in China. Chemosphere, 2021,271,129709.(二区SCI,IF = 5.78

Zifan Wu; Yuqiang Tao*.Occurrence, sources, bioaccumulation, and air-water exchange fluxes of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in Lake Hongze, China.Journal of Soils and Sediments, 2021, doi.org/10.1007/s11368-021-02982-3.(二区SCI, IF = 2.76(第一作者为研三学生)





1. 水生植物脂-乙酸纤维素复合半渗透膜仿生被动采样装置. 陶玉强. 201210427132.3授权中国发明专利,半透膜研发

2. 水生植物脂-乙酸纤维素复合半渗透膜仿生被动采样装置. 陶玉强. 201410287920.6授权中国发明专利,配套外装置研发

3. 一种新型水生植物脂-乙酸纤维素复合半渗透膜的制备工具以及应用其的仿生被动采样装置. 陶玉强. 201220567108.5授权中国实用新型专利



2009   中国科学院院长特别奖     

2011   中国科学院青年创新促进会会员               

2015   中国科学院青年创新促进会优秀会员           

2017   江苏省杰出青年基金

2022年    河海大学大学生“三下乡”社会实践优秀指导教师

2023年   河海大学优秀硕士毕业论文 指导教师







担任环境领域Environmental Science and Technology, Water Research, Environmental Pollution, Chemosphere, Science of the Total Environment, Journal of Hazardous Material, Environmental Science and Pollution Research, Journal of Environmental Quality, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry等国际期刊及《湖泊科学》、《环境科学》、《中国环境科学》、《农业环境科学》、《环境污染与防治》、《西北大学学报》等国内期刊审稿人。