

(Email: gaochujie@foxmail.com ,Tel:13851558702)

















[1]   ENSO对中南半岛春季降水影响的非对称性及年代际变化,热带海洋环境国家重点实验室开放课题(LTO2110),2021-2023,主持。

[2]   ENSO对中南半岛春季降水的影响研究,中央高校基本科研业务费(B210201029),2021-2024,主持。

[3]   中南半岛春季土壤湿度异常对长江流域夏季降水的影响,国家自然科学基金青年项目(41905054),2020-2022,主持。

[4]   中南半岛春季土壤湿度异常对长江流域夏季极端降水影响的年代际变化,中国博士后科学基金特别资助项目(站中)(2020T130168),2020-2021,主持。

[5]   中南半岛土壤湿度-大气相互作用对长江流域降水的影响,中国博士后科学基金面上项目(2019M651665),2019-2020,主持。

[6]   印太暖池-中南半岛热力状况对东亚夏季风及长江流域降水的影响,中央高校基本科研业务费(2019B18814),2019-2020,主持。

[7]   气候变化背景下中南半岛陆-气相互作用对东亚夏季风及长江流域旱涝的影响及其演变,黄土与第四纪地质国家重点实验室开放基金(SKLLQG1806),2018-2020,主持。




[1]   Gao C, Li G (2023) Enhanced seasonal predictability of the spring soil moisture over the Indo-China Peninsula for the eastern China summer precipitation under non-ENSO states. Advances in Atmospheric Sciences, doi:10.1007/s00376-023-2361-x.

[2]   Gao C, Li G (2023) Asymmetric effect of ENSO on the Maritime Continent precipitation in decaying summers. Climate Dynamics, doi:10.1007/s00382-023-06716-8.

[3]   Lin X, Lu B, Li G, Gao C, Chen L (2023) Asymmetric impacts of El Niño-Southern Oscillation on the winter precipitation over South China: the role of the India–Burma Trough. Climate Dynamics.

[4]   Chen L, Li G, Long S-M, Gao C, Zhang Z, Lu B (2022a) Interdecadal change in the influence of El Niño in the developing stage on the central China summer precipitation. Climate Dynamics 59: 1265-1282.

[5]   Chen L, Li G, Lu B, Li Y, Gao C, Long S-M, Li X, Wang Z (2022b) Two approaches of the spring North Atlantic sea surface temperature affecting the following July precipitation over Central China: The tropical and extratropical pathways. Journal of Climate 35: 2969-2986.

[6]   Liu F, Gao C, Chai J, Robock A, Wang B, Li J, Zhang X, Huang G, Dong W (2022) Tropical volcanism enhanced the East Asian summer monsoon during the last millennium. Nature Communications 13: 3429.

[7]   Li G, Gao C, Lu B, Chen H (2021a) Inter-annual variability of spring precipitation over the Indo-China Peninsula and its asymmetric relationship with El Niño-Southern Oscillation. Climate Dynamics 56: 2651–2665.

[8]   Li G, Gao C, Xu B, Lu B, Chen H, Ma H, Li X (2021b) Strengthening influence of El Niño on the following spring precipitation over the Indo-China Peninsula. Journal of Climate 34: 5971–5984.

[9]   Xu B, Chen H, Gao C, Zeng G, Huang Q (2021a) Abnormal change in spring snowmelt over Eurasia and its linkage to the East Asian summer monsoon: The hydrological effect of snow cover. Frontiers in Earth Science 8: 594656.

[10]             Xu B, Li G, Gao C, Yan H, Wang Z, Li Y, Zhu S (2021b) Asymmetric effect of El Niño–Southern Oscillation on the spring precipitation over South China. Atmosphere 12: 391.

[11]             Zhu S, Qi Y, Chen HS, Gao C, Zhou B, Zhang J, Wei J (2021) Distinct impacts of spring soil moisture over the Indo-China Peninsula on summer precipitation in the Yangtze River basin under different SST backgrounds. Climate Dynamics 56: 1895-1918.

[12]             Gao C, Li G, Chen H, Yan H (2020a) Interdecadal change in the effect of spring soil moisture over the Indo-China Peninsula on the following summer precipitation over the Yangtze River basin. Journal of Climate 33: 7063-7082.

[13]             Gao C, Li G, Xu B (2020b) Weakening influence of spring soil moisture over the Indo-China Peninsula on the following summer Mei-yu front and precipitation extremes over the Yangtze River basin. Journal of Climate 33: 10055-10072.

[14]             Gao C, Li G, Xu B, Li X (2020c) Effect of spring soil moisture over the Indo-China Peninsula on the following summer extreme precipitation events over the Yangtze River basin. Climate Dynamics 54: 3845-3861.

[15]             Gao C, Chen H, Li G, Ma H, Li X, Long S, Xu B, Li X, Zeng X, Yan H, Wang Z, Yang S (2019) Land-atmosphere interaction over the Indo-China Peninsula during spring and its effect on the following summer climate over the Yangtze River basin. Climate Dynamics 53: 6181-6198.

[16]             Ma H, Chen H, Lai A, Li X, Wang R, Gao C (2019) Robust solar signature in late winter precipitation over Southern China. Geophysical Research Letters 46: 9940-9948.

[17]             Ongoma V, Chen H, Gao C (2019) Evaluation of CMIP5 twentieth century rainfall simulation over the equatorial East Africa. Theoretical and Applied Climatology 135: 893-910.

[18]             Xu B, Chen H, Gao C, Zeng G, Sun S, Ma H, Hua W (2019a) Decadal intensification of local thermal feedback of summer soil moisture over North China. Theoretical and Applied Climatology 138: 1563-1571.

[19]             Xu B, Chen H, Gao C, Zhou B, Sun S, Zhu S (2019b) Regional response of winter snow cover over the Northern Eurasia to late autumn Arctic sea ice and associated mechanism. Atmospheric Research 222: 100-113.

[20]             Xu B, Chen H, Sun S, Gao C (2019c) Large discrepancy between measured and remotely sensed snow water equivalent in the northern Europe and western Siberia during boreal winter. Theoretical and Applied Climatology 137: 133-140.

[21]             Gao C, Chen H, Sun S, Ongoma V, Hua W, Ma H, Xu B, Li Y (2018a) A potential predictor of multi-season droughts in Southwest China: Soil moisture and its memory. Natural Hazards 91: 553-566.

[22]             Gao C, Chen H, Sun S, Xu B, Ongoma V, Zhu S, Ma H, Li X (2018b) Regional features and seasonality of land-atmosphere coupling over Eastern China. Advances in Atmospheric Sciences 35: 689-701.

[23]             Ongoma V, Chen H, Gao C (2018a) Projected changes in mean rainfall and temperature over East Africa based on CMIP5 models. International Journal of Climatology 38: 1375-1392.

[24]             Ongoma V, Chen H, Gao C, Nyongesa AM, Polong F (2018b) Future changes in climate extremes over Equatorial East Africa based on CMIP5 multimodel ensemble. Natural Hazards 90: 1-20.

[25]             Ongoma V, Chen H, Gao C, Sagero PO (2018c) Variability of temperature properties over Kenya based on observed and reanalyzed datasets. Theoretical and Applied Climatology 133: 1175-1190.

[26]             Li X, Chen H, Liao H, Hua W, Sun S, Ma H, Li X, Gao C, Zhu S (2017) Potential effects of land cover change on temperature extremes over Eurasia: current versus historical experiments. International Journal of Climatology 37: 59–74.

[27]             Sun S, Chen H, Ju W, Wang G, Sun G, Huang J, Ma H, Gao C, Hua W, Yan G (2017a) On the coupling between precipitation and potential evapotranspiration: contributions to decadal drought anomalies in the Southwest China. Climate Dynamics 48: 3779-3797.

[28]             Sun S, Chen H, Sun G, Ju W, Wang G, Li X, Yan G, Gao C, Huang J, Zhang F, Zhu S, Hua W (2017b) Attributing the changes in reference evapotranspiration in Southwestern China using a new separation method. Journal of Hydrometeorology 18: 777-798.

[29]             Sun S, Wang G, Huang J, Mu M, Yan G, Liu C, Gao C, Li X, Yin Y, Zhang F, Zhu S, Hua W (2017c) Spatial pattern of reference evapotranspiration change and its temporal evolution over Southwest China. Theoretical and Applied Climatology 130: 979-992.

[30]             Chen H, Zhang Y, Yu M, Hua W, Sun S, Li X, Gao C (2016) Large-scale urbanization effects on eastern Asian summer monsoon circulation and climate. Climate Dynamics 47: 117-136.

[31]             Ogwang BA, Chen H, Li X, Gao C (2016) Evaluation of the capability of RegCM4.0 in simulating East African climate. Theoretical and Applied Climatology 124: 303-313.

[32]             史一丛, 陈海山, 高楚杰 (2015a) 土壤湿度初始异常对东亚区域气候模拟影响的敏感性试验. 气象科学 35: 379-388.

[33]             史一丛, 陈海山, 高楚杰, 肖瑶 (2015b), 土壤湿度初始异常对东亚区域气候模拟的影响, paper presented at 32届中国气象学会年会S8 我国气候模式发展与评估、气候模式预测技术.

[34]             许蓓, 陈海山, 高楚杰 (2015) 冬季雪深再分析资料在欧亚中高纬地区的适用性评价. 气候与环境研究 20: 296-306.

[35]             Gao C, Chen H, Xu B, Zeng G (2014) Possible relationship among South China Sea SSTA, soil moisture anomalies in southwest China and summer precipitation in Eastern China. Journal of Tropical Meteorology 20: 228-235.

[36]             Ogwang BA, Chen H, Li X, Gao C (2014) The Influence of Topography on East African October to December Climate: Sensitivity Experiments with RegCM4. Advances in Meteorology 2014: 1-14.

[37]             朱涛, 陈海山, 高楚杰 (2014) RegCM3.0RegCM4.0对中国区域多雨年夏季气候模拟的对比分析. 气象与减灾研究 37: 1-10.

[38]             高楚杰, 陈海山, 许蓓, 曾刚 (2013) 南海海温和西南地区土壤湿度异常与中国东部夏季降水的可能联系. 热带气象学报 29: 75-82.


