











The course discusses advantages and drawbacks of various types of the data analysis methods used to interpret data sets in the Earth, ocean, and atmospheric science. This is a tools class: the objective is to provide a working knowledge of the analysis tools. Emphasis is placed on the application of the tools discussed in class to the analysis of climate data.

Course Content Summary:

The data analysis has been used in every scientific or engineering field. Although the ultimate goal of data analysis in scientific research is to understand physical systems hidden in data, most of data analysis methods emphasize more on the mathematical aspects than on the physical aspects. This approach has brought many side-effects to understanding physical systems through data analysis, e.g., an analyzer taking an analysis method as a black box and applying it blindly to data without considering the deficiencies of the method and questioning its applicability.

In this course, I will present physical perspectives of data analysis. By introducing and disseminating the traditional data analysis methods, especially those widely used in climate sciences, I will introduce the popular methods based on well-established mathematical rules that are used widely in climate literatures; discuss the applicability of these methods to climate data; and expose their limitations. From there, I will introduce the physical perspective of data analysis in which a few most fundamental physical principles serve as the constraints of data analysis. In this part, we will take advantages of the recently developed Huang Transform (HT) (formerly Hilbert-Huang Transform, HHT), a novel and rapidly spreading adaptive and local data analysis method that has already been widely used with great success in many scientific and engineering fields, to illustrate the physical aspects of data analysis, especially the temporal locality of analysis and the "physicapability" of an analysis method: the capability of the method of isolating physically meaningful signals in data.

The course will cover both fundamental and advance concepts and techniques of data analysis, at a level comprehensible to graduate students. Through the class, home works and projects will be assigned to help to understand class content as well as to facilitate research in ones own interests. For this reason, it is welcome that students bring in their own research project into the class.

Course Contents (tentative):

1.Data, data processing, and data analysis: An overview

Part I: Global domain analysis

2.Statistical descriptions of data

3.Methods with a priori determined basis (Fourier transform and wavelets)

Part II: Adaptive but global domain data analysis

4.Adaptive basis

5.Traditional analysis of temporal-spatial structures of data

Part III: Adaptive and local domain data analysis: Huang transform

6.Nonlinearity and non-stationarity of data

7.Adaptive and local analysis of data

8.Empirical Mode Decomposition

9.Ensemble Empirical Mode Decomposition

10.Multidimensional Ensemble Empirical Mode Decomposition

11.Analysis the evolution of temporal-spatial structures

12.Holo-spectral Analysis

Part IV: Optional topics

13.Trend and detrending

14.Reference frames for climate anomaly